Major Project - Life In Kamtsang - Development

Carrying on with me pre-production package I've prepared I will be developing my original story of 'Life In Kamtsang' I will be working by myself on this project, I feel like this is a very bold step to take but I cannot have anyone working a long side me because this is a personal journey that I have to discover and produce only by myself; no-one can tell or understand it as well as me. At the beginning of creating my pre-production I already knew I wanted to create a documentary, I love telling stories as well as making dramas. I was actually stuck between making a documentary or drama. But after speaking to Simon and Helen we decided that Life In Kamtsang deserves to be a documentary and deserves to be discovered. 

I was also thinking of doing a documentary based on the lives of eastern Europeans who lived in London and how their lives have changed. But this is a very broad subject which which has been covered before and would need to really stand out from the crowd to be magnificent. In my opinion I originally wanted to base the documentary off Benchen Karma Kamtsang the community and how it's evolved in Poland. But after a few tutorials Simon asked me what the reason was for wanting to film there, I told him about my father and the reason for him living in the community. Simon and I then decided that it would be best to explore the deep story behind the reason of why my dad decided to leave the United Kingdom and live in the community - this also leads onto more personal questions of our relationship that I hope to find out during the making of the project. 

Since now I am going ahead with this idea for sure I have to start contacting the contributors and confirm dates with them. 


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