Major Project - Director Research

Since I am multi-tasking on my own project with many different roles, I wanted to go ahead and do a little bit more research into Directing. This is one of the roles that I really enjoy/prefer since my Fiction Adaptation project. I wanted to read about how other people direct before my shoot days, a few things I came across that were helpful. 

This video really inspired me since the person making the video is not a well know director but a beginner - something I can relate to. He taught me that every Director has their own way of filming and working with actors and crew members some might follow the script word to word and some might let the actors improvise. 

'It's not the Directors job to have every single detail envisioned' 

He also mentioned it is not being easy a Director as well as many other roles since making your first ever project seem to start that way. You have to be motivated and passionate, something I can really relate to right now. Taking feedback might actually make me achieve what I'm trying to achieve - I shouldn't turn down every suggestion. FIND people as a Directors you have the best interest at heart for the project. Leading your team through the production. 

A directors job is to know what everyone wants, a Director is someone who everyone can walk up too confidently ask questions and instantly have answers. This video was actually very helpful since I could relate to it and take a lot of tips from it. 


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