Major Project - 'Moj Tata, My Father' Poster

While making and editing my project I have decided to make a poster to represent my work. Since I was multi-skilled I had a lot on my plate, the poster was the last thing I was thinking about. However, it is nice to have since it can be printed and shown off to others, letting them see what they are in for. I really like the look of my poster since you don't really know what you're in for, I love the combination. I originally wanted to put a photo of me and my father in the picture but it seemed to be like too much of a giveaway or what's to be seen. 

The main reason for my poster is for the audience to understand the demographic and that it is specifically made by me. I've noticed that a lot of posters have many different people credited at the front but since my documentary was literally thought out and made entirely by me with the help of a 2-man crew I decided to credit myself on the poster. Of course both UCA and TV Production logos are on the poster since I've had their help with equipment and Simon, who had given me a lot of help, feedback and guidance from the beginning and end of the project and I am very thankful for that. The main reason for the colour scheme that I went for is because it is dark and gloomy giving us the idea of some sort of sadness but then the yellow seems to bring out a little bit of happiness which is what most of the documentary is about.  


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