Commissions - Scripting and Storytelling Lecture

Scripting Lecture
- All programming is to a lesser or greater extent scripted.
- Factual programmes face particular ethical challenges when it comes to how far they should be scripted and the ethical questions relating to the constructed nature of the genre.
- We will be examining this dilemma and the ways in which you can use a script to determine your film’s narrative and explore your storytelling.
Your treatment need be no more than a page,
but anything up to 3 or 4 pages, outlining
HOW you intend to tell the story
▪ Main characters/interviewees
▪ Locations
▪ Style /format
▪ Narrative structure
▪ Whether using a presenter/reporter
All of these have been digested and me and my group will make sure to include it in out projects, most importantly in our scripts and transcripts.
- Scripting is a way of exploring your storytelling and of determining your approach and style.
- There are many approaches to scripting – some more constructed and interventionist than others, determined by the subject-matter and nature of the form of factual programme you are making.
- Scripting develops during pre production through production to post production and allows you to explore picture opportunities and possibly to expose weaknesses in your film and filming plan.
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