
Showing posts from April, 2017

Commissions - Blackfish

Blackfish I feel very strongly about this documentary, it is close to my heart since i care a lot about animals. Blackfish really makes you understand the terrible truth behind animal captivity, it saddens me greatly. The creators of this documentary know how to hit the audiences with emotions, they knew exactly how to process the story across and what shots to include. Produced in 2013 and directed by Gabriela Cowpethwaire, it tells the tales of the beloved yet infamous killer whales. Despite the fact that in the wild the creatures are viewed as 'Friendly Giants' when held in captivity these animals have the capacity to kill viciously. Blackfish really strongly puts the point across that orcas should NEVER be held in captivity and that is an appalling treatment of killer whales. Mostly aimed at 'Sea World' in America it also expresses the way other animals feel in captivity, and Cowperthwaite knew how to portray that through the screen to make sure the audience un...

Commissions - Developing The Script + Confirmations

Me and my group have been developing our ideas none stop but we finally came to a conclusion and it is all written out in this script. As i mentioned in my other blog post we have been using Google share drive to add and share many documents, Alex has been working a lot on the script and i love the outcome of it entirely. We all understood each-other and included everyones ideas within the script; we have changed the script three times but there is always room for improvement. Alex will be presenting the documentary and this was our original idea that we have developed. We had an issue where one of our instructors had dropped out due to a busy schedule. We are now reaching out to other instructors to see if they are able to help me and my group out. We also had plans to films some GV'S which we have done already around Gravesend, i also had an idea myself where we would include video clips of my Dashcam that i have installed in my car, it would really make the documentary conne...

Commissions - Driving Survey Results

We created a survey a few weeks back to see if we could implement the responses into our final project. The responses were fantastic we got over 144 responses over a short amount of space and it helped us a lot! As you can see on the screenshot here the popular age for young drivers were in-between 20-24 which also had a close call with 16-19. This really helped us see how many young drivers there actually are on the roads! This was another interesting result where we asked how much people have paid for their cars. It was crazy to us that most people paid over £10'000 for their cars! But this of course included people over the age of 20 so they could afford it. When we asked the public how they feel about overpaying for insurance they all gave us great answers and a lot of feedback to help our survey. Having this survey really helped us a lot with finalising our statistics, all of these answers gave us a great idea of how much people pay for insurance and how many young...

Commissions - Livvy Haydock

Livvy Haydock Livvy Haydock on set of Girl Gangs Livvy Haydock does a lot of work on BBC3, since the channels main focus is young audiences that are aged 16-35. BBC3 mostly creates drama,comedy and entertainment is the main focus. While we were making our documentary we wanted to make sure that we focus on drama and entertainment to make sure that we have young audiences attention. Livvy Haydock does this very well since she herself is young and interesting. Young girl being hidden One popular documentary that Livvy Haydock has presented in is Girl Gangs. She is 31 years old and has a huge passion for film making, focusing on the darker stories and dramas of people around the world. She has always wanted to raise awareness within BBC3 channels. She has always been pitching and picking sore project subjects that would really interest young people. She takes on hard research and the production of creating it. Livvy is a passionate film maker who loves to create short f...