Commissions - Blackfish
I feel very strongly about this documentary, it is close to my heart since i care a lot about animals. Blackfish really makes you understand the terrible truth behind animal captivity, it saddens me greatly. The creators of this documentary know how to hit the audiences with emotions, they knew exactly how to process the story across and what shots to include. Produced in 2013 and directed by Gabriela Cowpethwaire, it tells the tales of the beloved yet infamous killer whales. Despite the fact that in the wild the creatures are viewed as 'Friendly Giants' when held in captivity these animals have the capacity to kill viciously. Blackfish really strongly puts the point across that orcas should NEVER be held in captivity and that is an appalling treatment of killer whales. Mostly aimed at 'Sea World' in America it also expresses the way other animals feel in captivity, and Cowperthwaite knew how to portray that through the screen to make sure the audience understand. No matter how dark or sad the film is, it will go to deep ends to try and explain the situation to the viewers and that is was a documentary should consist of.

Through its various techniques and emotional appeals, Blackfish is able to really captivate its audience and evoke the feelings we have about the controversy surrounding killer whales. By using all these tactics viewers are always able to understand the documentary's argument against holding such big mammals in a prison-like environment. The film effortlessly exposes the harsh treatment of killer whales; And there is a reason to why Seaworld did not want to participate within this documentary, they did not want to expose their ugly tactics.
Blackfish had one set goal, to make sure that the audience know how these whales are kept in captivity and how they are mistreated. They want to shut down Seaworld and make sure that people do not pay to see these animals be the entertainment. Blackfish used a different sort of tactic that me and my group used for our documentary, they did not have anyone presenting because their visuals was enough of a story line, where as our documentary needed a presented as it did not have enough visuals. Blackfish doesn't have much in common with our own documentary but it inspired me to think about including actual real life event visuals, this really stands out to audiences and makes them want to carry on watching the film. It is almost impossible to turn away while watching Blackfish and that is exactly what we wanted to do with our own project. I feel like if we had followed onto a darker side of young drivers and used effective visuals people would really take action and be careful on the roads. It is a massive inspiration to a lot of people, Blackfish is a huge hit and it will never die down, knowing Seaworld did not want to participate within this documentary just shows how much of this captivity is actually ongoing. It is a tragic thing that needs to stop, not only to orcas but other animals that are being ket in cages and tanks.
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