Commissions - Developing The Script + Confirmations

Me and my group have been developing our ideas none stop but we finally came to a conclusion and it is all written out in this script. As i mentioned in my other blog post we have been using Google share drive to add and share many documents, Alex has been working a lot on the script and i love the outcome of it entirely. We all understood each-other and included everyones ideas within the script; we have changed the script three times but there is always room for improvement. Alex will be presenting the documentary and this was our original idea that we have developed.

We had an issue where one of our instructors had dropped out due to a busy schedule. We are now reaching out to other instructors to see if they are able to help me and my group out. We also had plans to films some GV'S which we have done already around Gravesend, i also had an idea myself where we would include video clips of my Dashcam that i have installed in my car, it would really make the documentary connect with the audience. The idea of taken Alex's car away for a week will establish if he can cope without a car or not. We will see how Alex get's around without using his car. We will also be talking to insurance breakers who will tell us how insurance effects young drivers.

We have also contacted insurance companies personally and are hoping they will agree to also give us some time to ask a few questions, this would be great for statistics.

We have also created a short driving survey to see how other people few driving, if it is expensive to them and if they find it difficult to drive. We have gotten a few responses that have been really helpful proving statistic. This survey has given us a idea of how many people actually drive also, because not everyone drives but this will give us an idea to why, is it too expensive? Is it too difficult to pass? All these questions will be answered by the public.


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