Transition - Project Evaluation
It has now come to an end of our Transition project. It was our last project of the year - we didn't have much time to do it but we worked very well. I started off trying to pull off something on my own but Simon told me that will be difficult and to see if i could posibbly partner up with someone. He had mentioned that Conor, Katie and Laura were looking for a Director, i straight away jumped to the oppertunity and asked if they needed a posibble Director. They all agreed, since i had never worked with these individuals before i thought it would be a great to work with these team as we are sharing eachothers unknown talents! Conor was the producer, Katie the editor and Laura the DOP.
As a group of 4 i feel like we really connected and developed all of our ideas. As a Director i really wanted to put myself foward, i never had people depending on me. I feel like i took on a big task, i'm not sure if i was confident enough for this kind of responsibility but i didn't want to give up. I had always been keen on Editing but i've done it already in a few projects so i wanted to give myself a go as Director. I made myself a spreadsheet of what i need to do and plan throughout this project which helped me a lot! After our pitch, we decided that the originals scenes we we were going to film were imposibble so we had to change them. Conor ended up re-writing some of the scenes in our script to make it more realistic. This actually turned into a great decision since the script was easy to work with and wasn't too long. Laura could really explore her ways as a DOP and make sure that all the shots and coverage that was needed was going to get shot. I poninted out some angles and shots that would work very well within the whole production.
What went well?
Throughout the whole entire project i think we worked very well together as a team, I was very happt finding our 2 main actors to play Jughead and Archie they fit in so well! I had heard that Laura and Conor had not worked with professional actors before so this was a great experience for them. I had asked before hand for the actors to learn their lines, which they did! It seemed so easy to them and they were so fantastic with us.
We had an advantage with locations, it was very helpful that Conor as a producer had a accesable farm for us to film on. We all secured locations quite quickly in the project stage which gave us more time to plan and be efficient. I regret not being able to film at leeds castle but very thankfull that we were able to film everywhere else. I feel like the Diner gave us a great big advantage since it was in the studios.
Laura did great as a DOP, I was very sutisfied with all her filming and work. She understood my vision and knew exactly what to get. All of her shows where interesting and she had great controll over the camera. Katie and Conor always stepped in to give their personal feedbacks and see what else could be filmed. I made sure to be in control of the shoot in the Diner, I wanted to get specific mood shots to sense the mystery in the Diner, if i were busy with the actors Katie and Conor would also step in with ideas of some shots - great teamwork!
I think this was a professional and easy project that we all worked on, nothing what too challanging for us! I feel like i was always posative and the group was happy with all my directions. We didn't want to rush into anything. I feel like i did have a small disadvantage since i always had work comitments and personal issues to deal with during this project but i wanted to be as much of help as posibble - I didn't want to let anyone down! I didn't get to sit down with Katie for the final piece to give my feedback, but i made sure this was given anyhow through Messanger on Facebook. Originally i wanted to be on my own due to this work comitments so i wouldn't dissapoint anyone but i feel like i still did a lot of work and helped the team out with my directing! They were all happy with my work and really we could not have done it so well without eachother.
What didn't work well?
During our shoots we did have a few annoying sounds coming from all around the place. When filming in the diner a lot of people were setting up sets and making a lot of background noise which we had to work out how to get rid of. This caused us to not use the clip mics and persue using the boom mic. When Archie walks towards the table that's when the noise is very obvious. We also had some issues with lighting, the Diner was very difficult to set us especially since i wanted mood lighting and red hues to be visable.
It was lucky that we had Ferg on hand to help us with the lighting situation. He made sure we were happy and we recieved the best visuals as posibble. It really looked well and what i invisioned in the first place. The actors were bright on their faces but the lighting behind them was mysterious and dark, this was something that looked nice even though it was done by accident.
Another problem we came across was the 'Re-shoot' for our montage i wans't able to join the group on the re-shoot day which was difficult since this was very exciting for me. I made sure to also give all my opinions to the group of what should be filmed, i made a specific sheet outlining all the locations i shots i wanted to shoot. I feel like this was effective anyhow since the team did film all the shots i wanted and did a great job! I think they followed my direction without my presence their and they also incorporated their own ideas into the shoot. Since Simon didn't like the original montage it was key that we filmed this once again, i was't very happy with the montage towards the end anyhow. I feel like the shots that were filmed in Herne Bay really made a HUGE difference in how we viewed the entire project.
This project has been a very big learning experience for all of us! We really worked well as a team and we had no problems with out feedback. Working with actors was fantastic and being on various far locations was also a great learning experience. I feel like it came of a shock to some people working with me since Laura, Katie and Conor had always wroked together and i came in as a new adition. This is something we all have to learn within this industry, not everyone will be known and we all have to get used to working with brand new people. Maybe some didn't feel as i was a good addition to the team but i have no regrets! I feel as i did my part very well and tried to help in every aspect posibble. I loved working on this project but i feel like being a Director is a bigger responsibility than what i originally though.

What went well?
Throughout the whole entire project i think we worked very well together as a team, I was very happt finding our 2 main actors to play Jughead and Archie they fit in so well! I had heard that Laura and Conor had not worked with professional actors before so this was a great experience for them. I had asked before hand for the actors to learn their lines, which they did! It seemed so easy to them and they were so fantastic with us.
We had an advantage with locations, it was very helpful that Conor as a producer had a accesable farm for us to film on. We all secured locations quite quickly in the project stage which gave us more time to plan and be efficient. I regret not being able to film at leeds castle but very thankfull that we were able to film everywhere else. I feel like the Diner gave us a great big advantage since it was in the studios.
Laura did great as a DOP, I was very sutisfied with all her filming and work. She understood my vision and knew exactly what to get. All of her shows where interesting and she had great controll over the camera. Katie and Conor always stepped in to give their personal feedbacks and see what else could be filmed. I made sure to be in control of the shoot in the Diner, I wanted to get specific mood shots to sense the mystery in the Diner, if i were busy with the actors Katie and Conor would also step in with ideas of some shots - great teamwork!
I think this was a professional and easy project that we all worked on, nothing what too challanging for us! I feel like i was always posative and the group was happy with all my directions. We didn't want to rush into anything. I feel like i did have a small disadvantage since i always had work comitments and personal issues to deal with during this project but i wanted to be as much of help as posibble - I didn't want to let anyone down! I didn't get to sit down with Katie for the final piece to give my feedback, but i made sure this was given anyhow through Messanger on Facebook. Originally i wanted to be on my own due to this work comitments so i wouldn't dissapoint anyone but i feel like i still did a lot of work and helped the team out with my directing! They were all happy with my work and really we could not have done it so well without eachother.
What didn't work well?

It was lucky that we had Ferg on hand to help us with the lighting situation. He made sure we were happy and we recieved the best visuals as posibble. It really looked well and what i invisioned in the first place. The actors were bright on their faces but the lighting behind them was mysterious and dark, this was something that looked nice even though it was done by accident.
Another problem we came across was the 'Re-shoot' for our montage i wans't able to join the group on the re-shoot day which was difficult since this was very exciting for me. I made sure to also give all my opinions to the group of what should be filmed, i made a specific sheet outlining all the locations i shots i wanted to shoot. I feel like this was effective anyhow since the team did film all the shots i wanted and did a great job! I think they followed my direction without my presence their and they also incorporated their own ideas into the shoot. Since Simon didn't like the original montage it was key that we filmed this once again, i was't very happy with the montage towards the end anyhow. I feel like the shots that were filmed in Herne Bay really made a HUGE difference in how we viewed the entire project.
This project has been a very big learning experience for all of us! We really worked well as a team and we had no problems with out feedback. Working with actors was fantastic and being on various far locations was also a great learning experience. I feel like it came of a shock to some people working with me since Laura, Katie and Conor had always wroked together and i came in as a new adition. This is something we all have to learn within this industry, not everyone will be known and we all have to get used to working with brand new people. Maybe some didn't feel as i was a good addition to the team but i have no regrets! I feel as i did my part very well and tried to help in every aspect posibble. I loved working on this project but i feel like being a Director is a bigger responsibility than what i originally though.
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