
Showing posts from September, 2016

25 Word Pitch - Bloodlines - Project Reasearch

A bored abandoned girl Chelsea strives to find her mother one day. Chelsea goes on a hunt to find her mother who left her at a very young age but does not realise she also has a long lost sister while looking for her mother. Chelsea finds out that her mother died in a accident and goes visits her grave after she finds out where she has been buried, when she visits the grave Laura shows up to the grave as its the anniversary of her mothers death. They both look in shock to why one another are there. Do not know each other, reason for the sister. Express it in the costumes etc.Searching for their mother so that's why they meet at the grave.  Characters: Chelsea - A 21 year old girl who looks ruff and lonely, hasn't has any opportunities in her life time and in deep need of a family bond.  Laura - A 19 year old girl who is well groomed and brought up well, has no idea she has been adopted and has been living as an only child ever since.  Location: Graveyard Ri

Youtube Channel

I wanted to share with you all my previous work that i have uploaded onto my youtube channel a few years back;

Pitch idea - Isolated - Project Research

So i had this idea going through my mind for a while now, i've been thinking i wanted to shoot something like the 'Breakfast Club' but not exactly like the movie. I wanted to create it into my own version so this is the idea i came up with; TESTING MY IDEAS Story: 4 very different teenagers who do not know each other and always ignore one-another at school have detention on a Saturday morning, they all did something individually wrong and cannot stand being in school on a Saturday, eventually as the time goes on they really get to know each other and become a great group of friends. Characters: Mike - The football fanatic who plays in every game and all the girls drool over him, in reality he is an absolute dumbass.  Lacey - Little miss perfect who is absolutely ordinary and boring, all she cares about is her fake look and awful personality. Casey -A classical school obsessed student, always does his homework and NEVER gets into any trouble, always on top of

Camera Workshop

So today we had a fun and great Camera Workshop with Fergus and Sam! We touched upon the basics of using the camera and the settings it requires to work, we also played with boom microphones and white balance. We filmed some funny short clips just to play around with the easy set ups of the camera, as Sam said 'It's like driving when you master the basics you can master it all' it's all pretty easy from here on, knowing how to use these amazing Sony cameras makes me 10x more excited about filming my Storytelling video! Fergus and Sam are truly technical masterminds they really know what they are talking about and can help us throughout the entire journey. I really know the basics now of the Sony PXW and others. I am a camera fanatic and knowing how to create amazing films with this technology gets me really hyped. Fergus and Sam also mentioned that getting the best film is important but if the sound is not there it is not work going further. SOUND is KEY! 

Storytelling - Short Film 'SOFT'

Soft - Short Film - 2007  Won every award a short film could win Limited dialog, plays with emotions.  Gives you a lot of things to think about  The simplicity is great  The Idea Role models  Witness of the situation  Online article  Discovering something about yourself The bit that makes you want to watch the story  Genre of soft - Drama and Social Realism Setting - Urban/Council Estate - Community Character - Father, Son, Gang Conflict- Violent threat, conflict between father and son - domestic conflict  Theme- Doing what's right, Fatherhood, Respect, Fear, Masculinity (Mum never appears in the story) Attitude and Change - role reversal  A pitch for soft - A father and Son victimised by gang in coming of age drama leading to a strained relationship between the two. (20) Main character has to perfect his park, he needs to get it right (finding out about his character) the outfit represents him as a character, professionalism. Already conf

Screen Writting with Steve Coombes

Process of screen writing; Screen writing is the beginning and end of Television 100'000 thousand words in a novel 12'000 thousand words in a Script - An hour of TV (half hour 6'000 words) 10 minute short film 2'000 words - make all of them count  Adjectives do nothing for you! Verbs do things, verbs are something happening adjectives are just description. Pitch is only a page Log line is a pitch of a pitch - a summary of a sentence of what the film is going to be.  Bibles are an overview of the characters, background research etc Treatment- scene by scene Draft, Shooting Script and then you need a green light  Film and TV is changing very fast ACTORS ARE MAGIC!  Structure Golden rules for structure in a screen play A screenplay is any visual drama It is a proposal for a film and TV show A screenplay is a hypothesis that we need to taste Characters need to come to life in your screenplay Make the screenplay come to life in your head S

Galaxy Wars - StoryTelling 25 Word Pitch Idea

So today i came up with the weirdest idea for a story. I was drinking a smoothie at work today and i randomly thought 'I bet these employees meet a lot of weird people in this place' and this popped in my head. Characters A middle aged man (Tom) who is a nerd at heart Alien from planet jupiter that is a figure of imagination for Tom Location Smoothie bar Genre Comedy A man dreamt of meeting his idol from galaxy wars in a smoothie bar. He camped day and night at the bar but no luck, until the day he forgot to pay for is smoothie. (35 words)

Contextual Studies Introduction

Introduction to Television: Texts, Contexts & Culture The shock of the new New students - bring new ideas, finding new ways of thinking/working Louis Heaton Lecturer, Film and Television at Winchester University and UCA. Technology has changed but the theory has not. Birth of Cinema - 1895 Television shapes our culture A series of lectures, screenings & seminars in which explore film and television programmes (the texts) through an analysis of visual grammar, genre codes and conventions and critical theories and how these shape our understanding and interpretation of the visual media (the contexts) Mise-en-scene, Cinematography, Editing, Sound, Documentary within the term. Students should be able to critically analyse and discuss the se of mise en scene, cinematography, editing and sound in their own films. Each group will select a TV programme to analyse for its use of each of these four elements. In a 10 minute presentation. Discuss the artistic and techni

Storytelling Pitch Ideas

We have finally started to think about our ideas for the storytelling unit. Our main thing to think about is that is has to be some kind of 'Meeting' situation. This unit will need a 10 page script and a lot of preparation. Also the production should take place around in November, i am very excited to start drafting my ideas and posting them around my entire room. I started thinking in my head of some weird situations that i was in myself that involved meetings, but then i realised that it wouldn't work. I really want to find my character and location before i start planing the story. The plot might be easy to find but a story with emotion is much harder. I really like pitching ideas from watching youtube videos online of creative people that have done short movies, this really gets me thinking myself of how i could come up with something so brilliant!  I started to think about the Galaxy and Earth itself, i was just looking online for some wallpapers and a Galaxy wallpa

Storytelling - Group Idea

Framed So today we had a great time bonding as a group, we had set tasks of coming up with great Storytelling ideas. I was in a group with Lucy and Robyn both fantastic and really intelligent girls, Lucy really surprised me as she really knows how to pitch out great ideas really fast. We got given 2 characters and a location to base our story off of and we did just that. Out characters were;   An Artist - Francis A Minor Celebrity - Ada And the location was; A block of flats PLOT/STORY Commissioned to produce painting for minor celebrity, he spills paint when celebrity takes a phone call. To cover it up he frames it to look like a burglary has taken place. However when he attempts to make himself look injured, he knocks himself out. When the unknowing celebrity returns, she believes that he is dead and attempts to hide the body in the cupboard. Neighbours have heard the commotion (smashing window and thrown objects) and have called the police. W

My Previous Work


My First Week At University

❅Hello ❅ It's so crazy to think that i am actually attending university. Me living in Poland and then suddenly moving to London was a huge change, but i loved it. When i was doing my A-levels all i could think about is if i can actually go to university. I knew i wanted to be creative and i have always wanted to be creative since i was around 11 years old. I made so many videos that is was endless, my best friend introduced me to YouTube and i just couldn't stop creating ideas for music videos or story telling videos. All i did day and night was create, i had a lot of obstacles during this time but i did not stop. I did have a break during my last year of A-levels but i knew that when i start professionally filming and creating i will be the best i can. I went to the open day for Television Production in Maidstone studios and to be honest i wasn't sure what the course was or why i picked it, and then i realized; The amount of opportunities in this place and the amount of

UCA First Ever Project
