Storytelling - Group Idea


So today we had a great time bonding as a group, we had set tasks of coming up with great Storytelling ideas. I was in a group with Lucy and Robyn both fantastic and really intelligent girls, Lucy really surprised me as she really knows how to pitch out great ideas really fast. We got given 2 characters and a location to base our story off of and we did just that. Out characters were;

  An Artist - Francis

A Minor Celebrity - Ada

And the location was;
A block of flats


Commissioned to produce painting for minor celebrity, he spills paint when celebrity takes a phone call. To cover it up he frames it to look like a burglary has taken place. However when he attempts to make himself look injured, he knocks himself out. When the unknowing celebrity returns, she believes that he is dead and attempts to hide the body in the cupboard. Neighbours have heard the commotion (smashing window and thrown objects) and have called the police. When police turn up to see what’s going on, they hear a banging sound coming from the cupboard. 

We really liked the way it has left a cliffhanger to the story, of course it could be even developed into something even more brilliant but for now this is great. I think this could really be a great short film. 


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