Storytelling - Short Film 'SOFT'

Soft - Short Film - 2007 
Won every award a short film could win
Limited dialog, plays with emotions. 
Gives you a lot of things to think about 
The simplicity is great 

The Idea
  • Role models 
  • Witness of the situation 
  • Online article 
  • Discovering something about yourself
  • The bit that makes you want to watch the story 
Genre of soft - Drama and Social Realism
Setting - Urban/Council Estate - Community
Character - Father, Son, Gang
Conflict- Violent threat, conflict between father and son - domestic conflict 
Theme- Doing what's right, Fatherhood, Respect, Fear, Masculinity (Mum never appears in the story)
Attitude and Change - role reversal 

A pitch for soft - A father and Son victimised by gang in coming of age drama leading to a strained relationship between the two. (20)

Main character has to perfect his park, he needs to get it right (finding out about his character) the outfit represents him as a character, professionalism. Already conflict with his son at the start, clear understanding. Domestic kitchen, his routine when making tea/coffee, he is very straight. Keeps himself to himself, church bell (detail) strives towards the shop adds atmosphere. Not a social guy really wants to go home. 3 minutes and we know a lot about him, couldn't stand up for himself. Only shouts at his son. Alarm is going off in the background. Character change in the end! 


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