My First Week At University


It's so crazy to think that i am actually attending university. Me living in Poland and then suddenly moving to London was a huge change, but i loved it. When i was doing my A-levels all i could think about is if i can actually go to university. I knew i wanted to be creative and i have always wanted to be creative since i was around 11 years old. I made so many videos that is was endless, my best friend introduced me to YouTube and i just couldn't stop creating ideas for music videos or story telling videos. All i did day and night was create, i had a lot of obstacles during this time but i did not stop. I did have a break during my last year of A-levels but i knew that when i start professionally filming and creating i will be the best i can. I went to the open day for Television Production in Maidstone studios and to be honest i wasn't sure what the course was or why i picked it, and then i realized; The amount of opportunities in this place and the amount of talent to learn from others was never ending! The cameras and editing software's were something i have never seen before, to be able to work with such amazing things was beyond me; To also find out that i will have opportunities to experience real TV show filming and meet a crazy amount of celebrities was something really unbelievable. I thought to myself where else would i have these opportunities? Nowhere. To have the best people teaching me these things i knew i will progress somewhere i have always wanted. In my first week i have met the most amazing bunch of people and i cannot wait to start producing amazing work with almost all of them, everyone is so talented and brave. Hi i'm Sonia 18 years old living in Maidstone, Kent documenting my years in University. 

 ➤ Started 12th of September 2016. 


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