Crossing The Line Project

Another small project we got assigned was called 'Crossing The Line' Simon gave us a 1 page script of how to explain the 180 degrees rule in a interesting way. I really have learnt a lot about this rule and how it can really improve the performance of the characters and the surroundings around them. Every time i did an over the shoulder shot i did not cross the line and you could really focus on the main character talking BUT also you can see the other characters reaction. This rule is brilliant and could really improve your work tremendously, the surroundings around my characters were really clear they were sitting around a table explaining to each other how the 180 degree rule works. In future i think i could really improve these shots but using less lighting and maybe filming outside or in a public area to give it more of a realistic feel. 

 Work in process - I really love using Premier, i am really improving my skills with this editing software. Adding texts and transitions is becoming easier and easier. The possibilities with this editing software are endless, but i know the amount of professional work you can create with this software that is absolutely amazing, i really want to add some Motion Tracking to my work so now i'm going to give that a go! Hopefully that will make my work look GREAT!


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