Making A Murderer - Contextual Studies

What is a Documentary?

  • They are unscripted
  • They employ real people but they often require a performance element 
  • Typically shot handheld but they do use fixed camera techniques 
  • Does not use formal Hollywood muse en scene. 
  • Using natural lighting and natural locations 
Documentary is purest sense is filmed observation. A recording or 'Document' of reality. Primarily for informing rather than escapist entertainment. Term first coined by scottish filmmaker John Grierson. Grierson described documentary as 'The creative treatment of actuality

Formal Documentary

Observational, current affairs, polemic. 

Hybrid Documentary

Reality, or even scripted reality, drama documentary. 

Reconstructing the events of the story. 'Documentary film is traditionally perceived to be the hybrid offspring of a perennial struggle between the forces of objectivity (represented by the 'documents' or facts that underpin it)' 

Expository(voice over), observational(obvious-no voice over), participatory(interaction), reflexive(production process), poetic(artistic montage), performative(filmmaker conveys personal experience). 


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