Project Evaluation

Project Evaluation At the beginning on this unit i was very excited to get going because i love to direct. I finally took it into my own hands to practice hiring actors and asking other for locations. It wasn't an easy job but it prepared me for bigger projects that are about to arise. What i wanted to focus on mostly in this project was the Lighting and colour grading due to that being David Fincher's key style. When i looked into his work i know that one things i had to live up to was Fincher's colour tints. I really think i worked very hard on this project, i really wanted it to come out perfectly and the way in envisioned it. Of course there is a lot of room for improvement but in contrast to my first project it is a huge difference and a massive step up. When i was preparing for this project i felt ready, i really felt like i knew what i wanted to do and that made it much easier for me, unlike the first unit i was not as prepared and that is why i feel lik...