Directing - Contextual Research


I have researched so much into directing that i made sure to take all the key points into mind and apply it into my own work. Directing is one of my passions, as well as editing i want to research as much as i can about it. I borrowed some books from the library that i've read through to get a clear understanding of directing. I found some brilliant books and found them so useful! Google is very helpful also where you can find tips on how to direct but it was not as helpful as the books.

One of the books is 'Directing for Dummies' as funny as it sounds it have brilliant tips and tricks from creating your idea to editing. The entire process is covered in this book and it is brilliant. As well as our workshops this was the cherry on the top. We didn't have many workshops this unit where we researched the key to directing so we had to research it ourselves and it helped a lot because it made me get out and find resources for it. A director is a very important person in a production, without someone who is there to lead and direct you the production will not work. A director holds up the entire production, if something goes wrong or doesn't work the director instantly fixes it or changes something. It is a very hard job because a director almost does everything in a production, making sure the set design is correct, making sure the camera is set correctly, the lighting and also the post-production is done properly. The directors role is very important and needs to be taken very seriously.

We were also lucky enough to have Farren Blackburn a famous director come into the studios to teach us about his directing journey and how he became successful. This was one of my favourite days because i learnt so much from him, he told us that he kept getting declined from companies and productions but never gave up on himself. He made short films every day and uploaded them online and sent them out to companies. This way it really made him someone who people talked about. Now he directs 'Luther' and 'Daredevil'. Everyone will get them road knocked down but doesn't mean we can't build it again.

I have also watched many videos of famous directors like Clint Eastwood and Quentin Tarantino doing interviews or watching their backstage productions. Watching these videos show me an inside of how professional big budget productions happen. It is a lot of work and take time and money, but seeing how these Directors deal with their crew and team is fantastic, it is very important to have a good relationship with your team. A director always makes sure that every day they make sure that the crew know that the production is processing it makes it all worthwhile. 

This is a very video to me because it shows that a brilliant director like Quentin Tarantino have flaws. In this video there is also a lot of facts of how Tarantino loves to direct, his styles and techniques are also included in this video. I love watching things like this because i get so many points of how to make my work better that i watch one video after another. Within this video there are also interviews with Tarantino about asking him why he does some things in his movies, or why he uses specific shots. He explains everything in detail and it gives me a better understanding of Directing.


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