Post-production - Project Development


Earlier this week all the students showed their rough cut to Mike and Simon. With Simons and Mikes help i am able to improve my project well. Simon mentioned that i should add more close ups of Tyler Durden and Mike said that i should add more sound effects to increase the atmospheric feel. Simon said he would love to see Tyler Durdens face in the Hotel room, but because i did not have enough time on the shooting day i couldn't get those extra close ups. I also had issues with the hotel room being very small so i was limited to what i could do. 

Since showing the rough cut and fine cut i've been working on my sound effects and audio, i really understood why Mike wanted me to add more sound effects because it really places you in the location that your character is in. I also tried to work hard on what Simon told me where he would like to see close ups of Tyler Durden, but i am struggling with this due to not having these shots. I might have to cut the scene or crop it, or even change it somehow. 

The music i have used is the original sound track from the movie due to it making no sense without the original track. The Fight Club sound track is so specific and brilliant that it simply has to be added onto the clips. I also used a clapper to sync all of my audio which helped a tonne with the post-production process. We have also been working on the entire group Graphic that will be added at the beginning of all of our projects this was mostly created by Simon and he did a brilliant job. 


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