Shooting Day - Project Development

Shooting Day

We were shooting all day on the 15th of February, the start time was 10:00am and all of my actors came dressed and ready with enthusiasm which was a great start to the day. We started the shoot at 10:00am and finished around 4:00pm, i treated all my actors to pizza and some snacks after the entire shoot because they all helped and worked so hard. Everyone co-operated so well together. When we were filming in the hotel room we had to use 900kwh lighting and all my actors were sweating so much but they kept acting and did not give up on me at all, it was boiling and they didn't stop.

The sound man and camera man worked very well with me, since we are all friends they were available for me and also made sure that everything came out correctly. All of my actors came from around London and even further places, i paid for their travels and also their refreshments. They were very happy with my gestures and said that they would love to work with me again which made me even happier because i might need these people to work with me again. As brilliant directors do they keep they crew and team happy and on hand just in case they are needed again.


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