Digital News - Brook Theatre - Workshop

While i was away my group was filming and working on a production called 'The brook theatre'. They filled me in on everything that happened that day and what exactly they did. After they had filmed the project and put it together i decided to overlay the green screen and create the graphics for the project, editing is one of my strong points. I created the graphics myself in Photoshop as this really gives me a free rein and i can really be creative, in regards to the green screen i thought it would be much harder but it turned out to be a simple trip of masking the background and overlaying it, SIMPLE! Weirdly i really enjoyed editing this project, i was very scared at first thinking i would let my group down by being absent on the filming days but when i started to edit the project i thought it turned out great. Although the clip mic's were fantastic i feel that there is WAY too much background noise, in our further projects we should minimise this. Taking into consideration that my group was filming in a room with almost 15 other people.
I really doubted myself in creating the graphics also but i did not understand why after, they turned out 10x better than i though. The only thing that i really wish i could have improved/done was motion text.
While my group cut together the piece and made sure the audio was perfect, i couldn't be happier that i was given the job to mask the background and create the overall graphics to piece together the final project. It did not take very long either, i really wanted to make sure that i masked the green screen perfectly making sure that there was no shadows showing. I feel like it could have been improved a little to were it would look more realistic but that i need to learn. I also wanted to export/render the video in full 4K, i wanted to make sure that we get to see the full potential of the 4K cameras that we were able to use, it did take some time to export and upload but it was very much worth it in the end. When being in the export settings there was A LOT there, i was mind blown but the options. After a few minutes of playing around with the resolution and overall settings i finally figured out how to render the video in full 4K resolution. TV News already feels like it will be a good unit, i have already learnt so much within 1 week! I started to really like creating graphics and playing around with green/blue screens, perfecting these will never stop! I have to make sure that for our final piece i includes motion text, i feel like this could really perfect any project.
Including graphics in your projects introduces your anchors/reporters and overall the PUBLIC! Without these your viewers have no idea who you are introducing to them. While i am watching the news i want to know why this certain person is included in the interview? Why are they there and what do they have to do with the story? Without these graphics and backdrops you leave the audience/viewers un-interested, they will drift away and not watch....we do NOT want that happening. I want to make sure that we cover absolutely everything on the checklist of TV NEWS.
Final Export
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