Digital News - Introduction to TV News!

TV News

This unit will be built from our first year experiences;

- sourcing stories and storytelling 
- sourcing contributors
- sourcing locations 
- script writing 
- interviewing skills 
- sequencing and actuality 
- good coverage (GVs) 
- good sound (atmos, correct mic, control background) 
- factual accuracy 
- team work 
- time management 
- interpreting information 
- sourcing talent 
- studio presentation 

Promote critical understanding of news and current affairs output! 
Critically understanding news, thinking behind it!

- Create your own original online news channel and produce content for that channel
- Find a brand which will fit a particular audience and provide content for that audience 
- Blog work is important! 
- Design your own branded digital online news
- Original title sequence 
- Channel identity
- 1 news package 2.00 - 2.30 minute duration
- 1 live OB report on location
- Written material on the web 
- Event - go to one? 
- Need excitement and energy 
- Sustain good writing 
- Don't repeat yourself 
- Action and Reaction 


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