As Live Production - Rehersals 20/03/2018

When we got into the studios we had everything all ready to go, me and George set up the talkback and gave it out to everyone that needed them. We did suffer a few difficulties with some cameras since they didn't want to connect corectly with the gallery,as floor manager i had to communicate all the time with the floor staff making sure everything is clear and in position.
We had our real presenters in so it was great to create a bond together so we understood eachother. Me and George wanted to make sure that all of the talents feel relaxed and safe when me and George are managing the floor staff. Me and George both briefed them on what will happen and how we run the floor, we always showed them the hand signals and how we will be communicating with them.
Great part of the rehersal was that we nearly got through the entire 30 minute show, George and Gavin practiced and we got oriented with all the directions. We all had a copy of the script and we were all prepared of what's to come, i made nutes during the rehersals of where the 5 second sting was and where the VT rolled. We also had to note down when Adeline or Alfie walked off to the catwalk.
It did start to get very repetetive and a lot of us got tired since the gallery had to egt in order, but we pushed through it. We were focusing on the first part of the show mostly since we didn't have A LOT of time to get to the ending. There were some mock up VT's we also played so we could see what it would look like in the live show. Gallery and VT operators practiced throughout so everyone had a chance to do something during this rehersal.

On the day we had the mannequin from ebay to practice blocking around it. The difficulty we faced here is that in this scene, and the one dollowing it there were a lot of stage directions that were listed for Alfie and Adeline and they were unsure weather or not to follow them it was difficult to communicate with the gallery and presenters at the same time since they didn't have a talkback. When George asked the Directors they didn't respond, Del told us to follow the script and do what it says.

When working on the second halve of the show me and George decided to get Jack to be in charge of the contibutors and models at the back of the stage since we were busy with the presenters. It was great that there was 3 of us so we each took charge of 1 thing and it made it easier for everyone. While amd and George were in charge of the floor Jack was in charge of background.
Me and George took charge of 1 of the presenters and guided them throughout the entire rehersal, i followed Adeline and George followed Alfie making sure all hand signals were made at one fo the presenters from each of us. We made sure they knew wehre to stand and wehre to look creating small T's on the small making it easier for them to remeber where to be. The cameras were worried abour blocking and fitting around the audience especially with the cables on the floor, me and George tried to help out as much as poisbbly to get rid of any hazzards on the studio floor and spreading the audience evenly.
Overall we had a wonderful rehersal and all the notes made on the scrip were noted, we have to remeber this when we come back off Easter to make sure everyone is prepared and ready to go. We were all working as a team and everyone understood eachother, we were all able to overcome all issues and difficulties.
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