Transitions - Idea prep + Group

We have now started to prepare for our last unit of the second year 'Transitions' and i am very excited. Transitions is supposed to prepare us for the third year and really make us focus on our own roles as Directors, Vision mixers, Camera Op's etc. I have a passion for Directing and i really wanted to create something fantastic but i didn't manage to find a group. Until i had my meeting with Simon he had told me that i would struggle a little bit by myself because this unit is particularly difficult in solos, he told me that Conor, Amiee, and Laura were looking for a Director and quickly i got attached to their group and idea of shooting 'Riverdale'.

Riverdale has blown up all over the world, the beautiful camera work and cinematography really makes it stand out. We were also thinking of doing 13 reasons why but it is very darl, we are thinking of doing this exact scene from where Cheryl and Jason drive to sweet water river. I had a look on and found many actors who have similar features and looks that would really work well.


Laura had told us that she would really enjoy filming this due to the camera positions and shots, it is very interesting and would test all of our skills.

I was also thinking of posibbly working on 'The series of unfortunate events' i love the way that this series was shot, especially with the colour scheme and sound. The setting was also so interesting, the props and talent.


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