Transition - Casting

I have taken charge of finding the correct actors for our 'Riverdale' re-make. There were a lot of professional actors who had applied for the position but only 2 made the cut. 

Ben will be playing the role of 'Jughead Jones' he is orignally from London and has been acting for a few years now. He really fit in the role of Jughead sine he is very mysterious and dark, we made sure that he could also do a American accent since we wanted to go ahead and follow that along with the real show. I wached a lot of Ben's showreels and he was fantastic for the role of jughead, the character itself is smart, sharp-tounged, laid-back, easy going and eccentric high school student. He's obsessed with eating food, and in some storylines is asextual. Most see him asbeing lazy but he is smart. Always seen in black clothes in hoodies and sweatshirts. He also wears a beanie hat through every episode. Me being a director i made sure that all of our actors are wearing the correct clothing to represent these characters within the show.

Alex is also from London and had done many other student projects before hand, he also has a degree in peforming arts and has done many television sequels. It was great that he took time out of his busy schedule to peform in our project. Alex had been asign the role of 'Archie' within the show since he is sweet, charming and innocent. His character is a typical small-town teenager. He crushes on a lot of girls during the show forming a love triangle. He often comes into conflics with Veronica's riche father and the Riverdales High schools principal.  His best-friend being jughead jones and Betty cooper. He usually wears his soccer jacket or a suit. He is very heroic and tries to help whoever he can within the series, we though that Alex really suited this character very well since he is very sweet and subtle.


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