As Live Production - Studio Factual Programme - 'The Jermeny Kyle Show'
I have been watching Jeremy Kyle for a very long time know, it is a Factual As Live Studio programme with billions of viewers every day. The Jeremy Kyle Show is recorded and broadcasted every day from the ITV studios, every episode is at-least 49 minutes long and the show is currently in its 14th season. The Jeremy Kyle Show began in 2005.
The way that the show is filmed is very real and exciting to watch, contributors and guest's take part in the show to help solve issues within their families or relationships. Jeremy Kyle offers real DNA results and lie detector tests to discover the truth between the relationships. Within the entire show, Jeremy Kyle himself and the entire team provide external help for their individuals that seek it from the show.
The programme itself uses a very simple seating stage, it is basic with 2 separate sofa chairs near each other with a plasma screen in the middle. This is something that we had used within our own programme 'Steal the Style'. The set also has 2 different exists for guests, since some of them have to be kept apart this is the way the show has built around it.
When Jeremy Kyle shows off someone's screenshots of a conversation this usually will pop up on the plasma screen behind the guests. The show then goes on to show the lies of these individuals or remember family photographs.

Looking back at our original pitch idea, I really wanted to create a family-oriented show and so did Callum. I wanted to lean more towards this kind of humour but Callum wanted to lean towards more of a family friendly side. I feel as a lot of viewers these days tune in to such shows like this for the drama and thrill. I felt like this could do great within our 'Room For Two' pitch idea. We wanted to make it into a simple set with a plasma, but instead of confrintation we decided to make it fun and friendly for the famililies and different kinds of reletionships.
Jeremy himself is very calm and sarcastic, this is what makes the show so popular. He makes the viewers at home and the audience laugh, he is an entertainer. Jeremy never cares about what he says to other people, no matter if he hurts their feelings or not he will speak to the truth (another raw skill the show has) he will insult whoever and will never take sides.
The show also includes graphics throughout the episode to notify the viewer at home who has joined to watch the episode halfway through, this will usually be the title of the episode giving the viewer an idea of the storyline.
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