Fiction Adaptation - Final Feedback
Today i had my final feedback from Mike and i was really excited! I'm still working on my overall video and tweaking it. Mike loved the overall video as a Film and me as a Filmmaker, he explained that i needed to stick to the brief more and be more experimental. What i wanted to do is adapt to the POEM so i was inspired to create the feeling John Clare had while writing the poem, i have never made something so experimental before and really went out of my comfort zone. Mike also picked up some little tweaks in the video of some fuziness and shaking that came up form the warp stabilizer which i need to fix, he also wanted me to add some jump cuts into the video.

He mentioned that it was paced well and very emotional and that is what i wanted to adapt too! Mike also said that the music works very well and I did not have to chance it, the voice over sound fine and there isn't much with the audio that i need to change.
I now just need to fix the small errors of the 'Warp stabilizer' and add a few jump cuts to make the video more interesting and powerfull! I really feel i created something different and great. I also just wanted to colour grade the video a little more, Mike mentioned that the sun really created great expsure which worked great in my favour.

He mentioned that it was paced well and very emotional and that is what i wanted to adapt too! Mike also said that the music works very well and I did not have to chance it, the voice over sound fine and there isn't much with the audio that i need to change.
I now just need to fix the small errors of the 'Warp stabilizer' and add a few jump cuts to make the video more interesting and powerfull! I really feel i created something different and great. I also just wanted to colour grade the video a little more, Mike mentioned that the sun really created great expsure which worked great in my favour.
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