Dissertation | Maxine & Andrew Workshop

1. How to find proper referances for your relevant dissertation?
Using the correct questioning word e.g. asking 'how' or 'why'
Be informed - make sure you understand the subject you are taking to investigate - getting good information.
Breakdown of the structure of your dissertation - thinking about the chapters / titles / focus of each chapter.
Re-search plan for each chapter - before writing your chapter you should have your research ready.
Research write research
Be theoreticaly informed; in other words it must be developed from in-depth reading of published authors in your specific area of intrest and inspired by published debates.
Offer plenty of oppertunities for analysing viewpoints.evidence (textual analysis from published work)
Constructing your dissertation questions.
4 Qutestions -
1. How is Jesse's character explored in Breaking Bad
2. How is Walter's and Skyler's reletioship explored
3. How does the cinematography create the mood
4. How is crime and punishment shown throughout
Questions might change after doing re-search.
Pharagraph focus, inftroduction of quotation, context of the quotation, 'quotation', referance, interpretation of quotation, analysis and conclusions drawn from the quotation, conclude point of pharagraph and lead onto focus of next point into the next pharagraph.
Harvard Referencing Guide - crediting our sources and information.
'I can't find anything'
- Are you looking in the right place? Web, library catalogue, database, google scholar.
- Are you looking for appropriate sources? books vs journals vs newspapers.
- Are you using the right search words? Are there others you can use?
- Is there very little written on the subject? Find similar examples that have been written about.
These should be drawn from a rande of reliable, academix sources
If you do not have enough references, this will limit the depth of analysis in your dissertaiton
Think about ways to explore your subject further, or of related topics
Mind mapping is a good way of doing this
Taking out books in the library - researching in depth. An academic journal is a publicatoon that pulls together the latest research and the most resent critiques of research from a patucular subject.
Finding articles on the 'MyUCA' on 'MY LIBRARY' website.
UCA PaperPile - Used for Refrences
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