Major Project Pre-Production | Final Directors Statment

After developing my Directors Statement for some time now I have finally concluded it. I made sure to read over it a few times, even printed and read it through on paper to be sure, to me it sounds great. I have tried to include as much detail as possible and strong explanations as to why I choose certain shots and filming styles. In my last draft I still needed to add my cinematic inspiration and why I feel that she is my inspiration, it wasn't as long as my other points but I still felt like it needed to be included. I tried to explain the visual and technical approaches I've taken to make my documentary unique and successful, as well as mu hopes for what the audience response will be. I still feel like I should have gone into deeper explaining in the Directors statement but all the necessary points were made. I still feel like I could have sectioned the directors statement where I talk about the colour choices and the way I want the style/tone to look but I really focused on how I wanted to film the documentary, in my eyes this was the main thing - post-production can always change and you need footage to exactly know what to do with your overall project.

Overall I feel like I have written a very well explained directors statement, I have never written one is such detail - it was actually very helpful when it came to writing the script. Since I had already written all the ideas that I had for the way it was filmed I used it to my advantage since I struggled with the overall writing of the script. Here is my final version of the Directors Statement -


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