Major Project Pre-Production | Test Shoots

When filming my test shoots I had a strong idea as a Director that I want to bring a pleasant atmosphere on screen, Colour Correction. Every scene I tried to enhance in some way, either it was saturation or vibrancy. I tested the lighting, keeping in mind that I am going to be filming outside most of the time. Where as being filmed inside I have been supplied with a LED Aperture kit, which will create a natural sense of lighting inside a home. I also made sure to work out how to blur the background in some scenes/shots to keep the PTC focus on myself. As I am not a great camera tech myself I needed to work out the cameras setting and framing since I didn't have my crew on hand during the tests shoot. I used quiet bright lighting and colour correction to make sure I am visible in the shot and in an observational documentary style but keeping it relaxed and audience friendly. As you can see in the picture above there isn't a big different in colour, but the saturation is enhanced and looks a lot brighter then the left image. I have also made sure that details are seen through the screen, my hair is seen a lot more in the right image.

Premier Pro has some fantastic tools to help me enhance the documentary. It's got a specific panel for colour correction since it is such a key component in post-production. I kept these test shoots simple since I wanted to just pay around with enhancing what is seen on screen, when it comes it filming the documentary I will have a crew and more kit on hand which will allow me to film a range of different shots and cinematic movements. After I had created my final version of the script I had an idea of what kind of shots I wanted to film, I really gave the PTC a think. Originally I really did not want to talk towards the camera or tell the story through myself, but since this is a personal story and I am trying to portray something on screen it has to be done through me. The audience would simply feel discomfort if someone else were to tell my own story. This is the main reason I wanted to practice PTC shots since I had never really presented or talked directly into a camera before, I wanted to familiarise myself with it. Truth be tod I am a little worried about doing these PTC's but after I had shot these scenes it become a lot easier.

While colour correcting I also had to focus myself on the sound. Post-production is not complete without the correct sound, I gave myself too options for these shoot a Rode mic and Tascam. I shot most of the PTCs outside with the Rode, I did face a lot of trouble with the wind - the Rode did not block out a lot of the wind and made the shots sound very loud. I have to keep this in mind when shooting the documentary in December and February. I also filmed a simple test interview with my Stepdad Oktawian who is actually in the final documentary, I needed to hear exactly what the Tascam would sound like. The Tascam sounded very crisp and clear, but I had to sync the audio to the clip since I didn't have a correct cable to plug into the Camera - I will need to get this before I start recording again with the Tascam. I also gave myself a practice with subtitles since this will be done throughout the documentary, all of these contributors will be speaking polish. I only added a simple font since I'm not sure exactly how I want the subtitles to look.

I really enjoyed filming these test shoots because they actually taught me a lot of things I need to consider before filming the final project! The sound is very important, without the sound there is no project! I really need to double check the sound before I start filming, it is a key component throughout the documentary. Lighting, I need to make sure that lighting is bright since this will help me in post-production! Weather, I should be checking the weather and planning my footage days properly. When I was filming these test shoots it started raining so I didn't have a lot of time to film too much, I did not want the kit to get wet. As to the interviewer sections of course I will have a crew on hand, the way I want it to look is relaxed and not forced - very natural. With the test shooting I learnt that someone needs to be sat next-to the contributor so they don't feel uncomfortable, it needs to feel like a normal relaxed conversation. All of these shots were handheld, which is what I was aiming for - even in the script. However, filming handheld establishing shots and following shots is difficult, you can hear the camera move and the wind was blowing very hard. This is where I need to use a stabilizer for the camera. I've also noticed with colour correction I'll be using Divinchi. It will really take my project further and make it look a lot more professional. Being very specific with colour grading means it's more adaptable.


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