Major Project Pre-Production | Script Final Version

I have completed my final draft for my script, a lot more shots were added and a lot of V/O sections were changed with PTC. After reading the feedback I received from Helen I made sure to make the script as personal as possible, I agreed on that there was too much narration and not enough visuals. Where I have added video or photo archives I added narration, but most of the documentary will be PTC, not so much as presenting but a simple chat that I will be having to the audience explaining the story one step at a time. When completing my research on documentaries I've noticed when making a personal documentary you need to speak your story directly to the viewer. I also included interview Syncs and explained why these interviews are important. I also made sure I introduced the next section of the script properly. My first and second draft lacked continuity, it skipped a lot of important information throughout. I also made the introduction much longer, I need to give the audience time to grasp what the documentary will entail.

I feel as the script-writing process was a little difficult on me since it was the only thing I really struggled with but I am fairly happy with the outcome. I do wish that I could have gone through more drafts to perfect it as much as possible, this is one of the tips Helen gave me; but I really decided to focus deeply on my directors statement - I should have split the time between both equally. Considering I have never written a script myself, which includes a documentary script I am happy with the structure and the amount of material and detail in it. As a director I need to make sure that I can translate this script well enough onto screen. I will also make sure to transcribe the script after the filming process has been completed.


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