Farren Blackburn

Today was a very exciting day, we got the opportunity to speak to Farren Blackburn an amazing British director who has worked on 'Daredevil' and 'Luther'. He taught us so many things we need to take into consideration, he worked so hard to where he is today. He kept trying and even though he got people who turned him down he did not give up, he worked with BBC and made many short films which helped him and his creativity. He really inspired me to never give up, some people may not like my work even most people but as Farren has said there is always someone that will; and that someone will help me turn my work into something even bigger. What i also loved is that Farren always carries mood-boards with him wherever he goes. He said if you have mood-boards it will explain your story a whole lot better, your clients will understand your vision and will love it 10x more. I think Farren works so hard and makes absolute brilliant pieces of work. I absolutely love his work on...