Re-directing 'Fight Club' - Contextual Research

I am so excited to re-direct a short scene from my favourite movie but of course i have to do it in my own way, so these are the changes i will be making;

1. David Fincher uses Edward Norton to narrate Tyler Durdens entire life throughout the movie, even though this creates a lot of drama and tension i decided to cut that part of the movie out. I would like to replace the narration with the characters emotion within the scene and also none diegetic music. I feel like the narration is very David Fincher and i did not want to copy that aspect of the film.

2. I will also be removing the part where Edward Norton comes into the bar at the beginning of my scene and starts to listen to the kitchen workers talking. I feel like that part could be changed into cinematography where we have a closer look of where Edward Norton actually is and what the place looks like so the audience really feels engaged within the scene. This scene i have always wanted to change due to me finding it very unnecessary, so maybe i can turn it into something very interesting.

3. I have also cut down on the flashbacks that Edward Norton has during his conversation with Tyler in the hotel room. There is actually quite a few flashbacks and i really just wanted to include the most important ones where we realise that Tyler was always just one person. I didn't want to remove all of the flashbacks because it makes the audience really interact with the characters due to them feeling the way that Tyler Durden feels. I do really love the concept of the flashbacks as we can tell what actually happened during the film even though we as an audience didn't realise.

4. The last thing i wanted to change was the last scene where we see Edward Norton in the paper street house a lone, what i really wanted to do is show the loneliness of Edward Norton. Alone in a car park with flashbacks surrounding him and conversations between people. I really want to show the audience the loneliness that Edward Norton was feeling his entire life, and that finding the Tyler Durden in himself. As David Fincher always tried to show his audience that everything in life is temporary and your life could change instantly and drastically. This way i can really express the feelings that some people feel in their own lives, through this project i really want to send a message to everyone through the expression and feelings of the character.


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