Planning My Shoot/Hiring Actors - Project Development

I am slowely starting to plan out my shoot and this call sheet is really helping me organise my shoot day. I have finally hired my main actors for this project and just need to find 2 more extras which shouldn't be too hard, they did ask me themselves if i would be producing a Call Sheet since it would help them out a lot. This really pushed me to create one as soon as possible so they had a brief idea of what will happen on the day, it is still a little bit early for me to plan the call sheet fully but it is really helping me plan my locations and also gives me a rough idea if i am able to finish this shoot in one day.

Finding my perfect actors took a few weeks but i got there in the end, i started the search on casting call pro but did not find the actors that fitted my project well enough. I then started asking around on 'Drama' Facebook pages and found 2 of  This actress will be playing 'Marla Singer' who is played by Helena Carter in 'Fight Club'. She really represents Marla very well especially when she get's into characters, she can express Marla's struggles in life and really show what a distressed character Marla is.  My main actors (Edward & Marla) are both here based in Maidstone which really helped as they were local, i then started the search for my 3rd main actor who is played by Brad Pitt in Fight Club, i wanted this character to be amazing and wanted the actor to really portray 'Tyler Durden' as he is in the movie. I had a few people apply but i really felt as i should spend longer looking for that brilliant character, after a few more days passed i had found my 'Tyler Durden' actor who was based in South London which is not too far but i will be paying for a train fare so he could be involved in this project. I really feel like he will be able to tell this story perfectly, and i am glad i spent a while looking for him. All of my actors have had degrees/diplomas in Acting/Musical Theatre, so i really feel like that will be perfect for the roles. I also asked all of them to speak in an american accent and they were more than happy to do what i wanted, very easy cast to work with.

Both of these characters here represent Tyler Durden, but one of them is playing his subconscious. Both of these men are great additions to the cast due to them working well together and also knowing how to express Tyler Durden very well. I really wanted a cast who have seen the movie and have studied it well enough to know how these characters move and speak in the movie, they all have done that for me and are practicing everyday. This actor will be play Edward Norton, i did not want my actors to look like the characters in the original movie due to me wanting to create it in my own way. And i feel like i casted my main characters perfectly. This actor has been acting for several years he has been involved in major and small projects, travelling all the time and is very easy to work with.

This actor will be representing Tyler Durden, i spent a longer time casting for this character as it was the most important character in this shoot. This actor had a very impressing showreel and also spoke to me over skype and sent me a lot of his previous work, he also is very passionate about Fight Club and knows the film really well. He also has many props that would work very well in the scene that i am re-directing and he is very keen on helping me out with this complicated scene. He shows true emotions just like Brad Pitt did portraying Taylor Durden in this film and that is exactly what i am looking for. I am still currently looking for one more actor who is a Bartender, it is only a small part but it is as important as the main actors. Without them it wouldn't be possible. His showreel was absolutely fantastic also.

I hired my small role actor very late in the shoot planning due to not being so worried about this small role. I really wanted to focus on the main actors and wanted to make sure that they are perfect, but then i also realised that small roles make a big difference! This is Phil and he will be playing the role of the bartender at the beginning of the scene where Jack walks in. He used to work as a bartender and can do a brilliant american accent! He also was lovely to say that he will drive down to Maidstone himself and does not need me to fund him. I was very keen on funding all my actors making sure i pay for transport and for food which i will. Phil had a brilliant showreel also and has a lot of experience in acting! I knew 100% that he would play a fantastic bartender. I am still looking for some makeup artists but these people are all very local to me as i know them personally. I now feel complete with hiring all my actors and having my fantastic crew.


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