Lighting Workshop

The first ever lighting workshop was very interesting we were practicing our 3 point lighting which was very helpful to our own projects, especially during the directions unit where lighting is key to create visuals. 

The Key light is used to light all the key features of a subject. The Fill light is used to get rid of any harsh shadows that are created by the key light, usually to soften the look. The Back Light is placed always behind the subject and is never placed directly on the subject to highlight features to separate the subject from the background.

Tungsten - Very hot light, with warm, red colour temperature. Normally used as a key light.

Fresnel - This light can be shaped and focused, to become harder or softer. This light is usually used as a fill light.

LED - These lights are very easy to use and they are very portable which makes them popular. You can move them however you would like.


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