Commissions - Final Scripting

Alex decided to really make our script fantastic, during our post-production process we were changing the script while we work. This was very efficient and a brilliant idea! We decided to follow this format and it worked out great, Alex did a fantastic job on the script overall as we were helping him on the side. I decided to also delete and add some things to the script while we were editing. We had many drafts of the script making sure that it was done to the best of our ability.

Once we were shooting we highlighted the bits on the script that we needed to film since it was much easier that way. We knew what we were doing and how it needed to be done, when the interviews were too long we would cut it down and edit the script along side. When editing began we adjusted the scripts to match all the edits, Time codes are also used in this version which again makes it easier for us to edit.

The script took a very long time to finish since we were editing it along the way of the post production, but it was a brilliant idea because we didn't leave it until the end. While editing it along the way it was more efficient that way.


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