Commissions - Filming

Our filming took less than 2 weeks, we usually met up on odd days and filmed for a few hours. When we had interviews planned we made sure that everything was going in order. I was on two filming days that suited me and the others planned other shooting days that suited them more, When we had to shoot interviews Alex and Katie filmed those due to them both living in gravesend and it was much easier for them to meet up, when it came to opening sequences and go pro footage we all pitched in and helped on those filming days.

Here we were filming out introduction where Alex introduces the documentary and what it consists of. Jason was in charge of camera and sound while Alex presented and i was helping with directions. I involved myself with finding the location for this particular shot also. We got almost every shot we needed on this day, BCU, MS, MCU, etc. We were happy with the overall shoot that we had that day.

This was one of out first filming days where the group interviews Alex's grandparents and what driving was like in their days. I was not able to make it to this filming day but Katie, Alex and Jason did a fantastic job when it came to preparation and the execution of the filming. We got a large variety of shots and the interview was very interesting and helpfull.

Alex Hargood: Director, Presenter
Jason Efstatiou: Camera A, Sound
Katie Joslin: Camera B, Lighting

Katie was kind enough to interview her mum for us since she was an insurance broker. We used this to our advantage since Samantha Joslin could tell us figures and facts to why driving is so expensive. There was a lot of stress going on that day since all of us could not make every single filming day, since Alex was presenting he was always needed on every shoot day which was hard on him and put a lot of pressure on him. We all tried out best to help the best we could. Katie filmed the interview with her DLSR which looked fantastic, and then we shot the introduction once again with the Sony camera with Alex himself. 

We also included another filming day where we recorded more of the introduction with Katie's DSLR which also turned out great! We tried to mix the Sony clips and the DSLR clips together since we all helped each-other by filming bits ourselves. I wanted to include some clips from my own camera dash-cam but the group though it wasn't necessary so we left it out. We had some feedback from Zoe to go out again and try and get a Police officer to talk about young drivers but since it was such short notice we were not able to go out and film again since we had to get the edits done. That was one of the obstacles we faced, we need to manage time a little bit better. Overall i think we were all happy with how most of the filming went, even though we could have improved quite a lot there wasn't enough time for that. Some of the clips that we got were just not interesting enough, Zoe said that we should include some interesting clips where we focus either on the interviewees more or what they are showing or explaining. 

We filmed with a Cannon DSLR and also the Sony Camera we also used Go-Pros for the GV'S and some time-lapses. We have a range of shots that really made it easier for us to edit. Katie and Alex also went out on odd days to film some establishing shots and some more GV'S so we could fill in the gaps in the edit. It turned out fantastic, one thing that only could be improved is the grading on the cannon DSLR and Sony. Since they are different cameras they do not look exactly the same so it would really help us more if we have had changed the settings on the camera. We are trying to edit the clips through post-production and it is helping us a large amount since we did miss out on changing the settings on the camera. Overall i think the filming turned out fantastic and we really worked well enough together as a great team. We did hit some bumps in the road but nothing major that we couldn't fix!


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