Commissions - Post-production process +Script

On friday we really sat down and took turns to edit all of our clips to match our script, it really helped us a lot because we knew what went where. Zoe really enjoyed our overall rough cut and our idea for the documentary, but we need to make sure that it isn't too boring and the interviews do not drag for a long amount of time. As we have a few interviews it is a little difficult to cut it down because there are a lot of important things we would like to include.
Post-production has to be one of the most difficult processes that we have had during the commissions unit. Not only is this a 10 minute video but we have had so many interviews and clips to add that we started to get lost. We came to a conclusion to split up and edit separate clips which i had already mentioned, and this was a fantastic idea that really made us work quickly and efficiently. I had taken up the job to also start colour grading the entire project when it came to the end since we had filmed on two separate cameras that needed to look exactly the same. This is a fun job to do since it doesn't take too long and it really improves my editing skills for my next projects. I really enjoyed improving my skills during this project since there was so much room for improvement! All of us loved editing this project since it was all of ours favourite thing to do with this project the possibilities were endless. Even now the day before our 'Deadline' we are still trying to perfect our project and make sure that it looks the best it can. We are also still developing the script to make sure it fits with the edit.
We all focused on separate bits to edit while at the studios. I focused on editing the Grandparents interview and also Alex's and Aiden's interview while also doing the introduction on the side. Katie edited her mums interview and Jason focused on the ending while Alex did commentary and special effect within the edit. We figured if we all share clips and edit different clips we would be done quicker and it would be more efficient. The editing is getting on top of us since it is difficult to manage since there is so much to edit since it is 10 minutes long. While i think we are all doing a great job we do not have a long time to finish it all. We are struggling to find the right music to fit with the final cut, we need some comedic music where it really brings the documentaries spirit above all levels since it does drag a lot. Since our documentary has a lot of interviews we really need to think about cutting those down and adding some funny clips that include music to make it more interesting to watch.
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