Commissions - Production Prep (Testing)

We are planning to include some GV's in our project and also some cut aways and time-lapses, here is a few test that my group and i have done and will implements in our own project. These were filmed in Katies car with a Go-Pro. We received some great footage from these GV's as we need to add these kind of clips into our project to give it more of an interesting feel, since younger audiences get bored very quickly. It also adds a sense of location, we like the fact that we could replace establishing shots with these time-lapses and GV's instead of actually using establishing shots.

Jason had filmed GV's from Alex's car, the Go-Pro which was attached to the car with a tripod. Katie also filmed a great GV that was done within the Insurance Brokers office, she managed to do a time-lapse of the A2 which looks fantastic and could be used in an intro/Outro.

It is a great way to see the in depth to where the presenter is located and where the documentary is  actually filmed for the viewers to understand where they are set.

GV's are a general view of the environment, building, vehicle and this instance a motorway. It is used to give an overview of what is surrounding your story. Most of the time the director or the script will call for Gv's and these will be a number of random shots and clips filmed by the team to add when it is needed as a fill in.

I think we got really lucky with the locations and how we could shoot these kind of GV's because they are so reliable and helpful to add into a project.

Here is another video of Katie testing out the time-lapse GV shot that we really liked the look off. By testing these shots it made it really easy for  us to film the rest and we knew where and how to  include them in the editing process.

While the video is really long it is easy to pick out  our favourite part and include it in the final product. This is a great advantage to our project because we can use it as a background for statistics  or any writing that we need to overlay.


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