Commissions - Scheduling Filming

In order to schedule all of our filming shoots we decided to create a google docs where we could plan our shoots and edit documents ourselves. This was a great idea since we didn't have to keep messaging and calling each-other, if something changed we could just edit it on the docs and tell the others to read it.

Most of our shoot days were simple and done quickly and efficiently, Shoot day 1 was Alex presenting and Katie operating a DSLR and Jason operating the Sony EX, this consisted of Alex's grandparents. Shoot day 2 consisted of Alex presenting and me Directing along side Jason operating the Sony Ex camera. Shoot day 3 easy Alex presenting and Katie operating all the cameras, this was the interview of the Insurance Broker. They also filmed many GVs on this day and time lapses. Shoot day 4 was Alex presenting and directing while Katie and Me would be running and operating the equipment.


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