As Live Production - 3D Studio Design

While working on the Music bed Callum managed to get hold of one of his friends who could produce us a 3D set design, this was great because we could get a exact idea of what we would want the set to look like. We wanted to make sure that our set is curved and the cameras do not film anything outside of the shot, which was an issue in previous studio productions. The audience will also be sitting down and won't be on a platform.

Another thing Callum told me is that the software they used to design this set let them see all different angles that the camera would see which is fantastic and very helpful. It is important to make sure we have an idea what the set design would look like so we can make sure that it is duable and not imposibble. The platform also has a raised platform so this could raise some difficulty.

Since our whole gameshow had a lot of going on and many people playing different games, we wanted to make sure that the set was wide enough to fit 2-3 groups of people. Callum also thought of a back way to be added so our guests could easily come in and out from the stage without really knowing on camera where they came from, which is a fun suprise. Overall i love the set design, the electric colours really engage the audience.


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