As Live Production - 'As Live'
As Live advantages -
The audience can take a number of roles;
As live content - theoretically, anything can be presented in an as-live format.
It is only limited by considerations such as - time!
It is absolutely essential that as lives consider timing - a simple discussuion around the viability of an idea in terms of timing could well determine whether it will be included in the programme or not!
Be unique - do something different - be iconic -
Themes of as live -
- Less left to chance a la true live - more control and it is more polished
- The oppertunity to re-record elements of the programme and making improvements to certain shots
- They do not require the technical paraphernalia of live transmissions - no satellite trucks
- Cost reduced
- Do not feel rushed

- Trying to manufacture a feeling of a true live programme
- Truly live programmes are less polished
- Tension of a live programme hard to re-create
The audience can take a number of roles;
- Passive
- Active - taking part in some way
- Appreciative/active
- Supportive
As live content - theoretically, anything can be presented in an as-live format.
It is only limited by considerations such as - time!
It is absolutely essential that as lives consider timing - a simple discussuion around the viability of an idea in terms of timing could well determine whether it will be included in the programme or not!
Be unique - do something different - be iconic -
Themes of as live -
- Content
- Style
- Location
- Presentation
- Contribution
- Format
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