As Live Production - Brain-storming ideas
So I started to think of studio ideas that could possibly be an option, I have thought of 3 initial ideas that I personally like and could become one of our productions.
- Naughty Neighbour -
This idea came to me while i was actually speaking to one of my neighbors and i saw how much they hate their next door neighbor. I could also sense a lot of anger that the neighbor had towards the other person, and that is when an idea struck me.
This would consist of 2-4 neighbors on the live production expressing their feelings to each other, we would have each of them explain their stories and the host would pick the 'winner' of who he thinks is right. The neighbor that 'wins' would get to the satisfaction of winning and also something dunking or throwing a pie at the other neighbors face (Still not certain on the 'win').
-IQ 1-10-
There are many shows and productions on TV that have trivia question and test people's IQ's but with this production i thought that it would be fun to get a few contestants and ask them a few fun easy/stupid questions that would be a tongue twister and also riddles for them such as 'A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?' There are a lot of people out there who do not know the answers to most riddles. There would also be buzzers and prizes.
-Family Jealousy-
My mum actually helped me with this idea since she loves to watch family entertainment and shows. My family is very much a jealous family, i love them very much but when it comes to being better than one another my family is one of those.
This made me think that there are probably many families out there that are exactly the same, this would be a very funny concept getting 2-3 families on the show and getting them to face their jealousy towards each other, this would really interest a lot of viewers since it would be a little bit dramatic just like 'Naught Neighbours'. I would also like the other families to ask each other questions and to see how one another lives.
-1 Woman, 6 shirts-
This idea was very random, i started to think of some dating shows and there are some weird shows out there like 'Naked and Afraid' and i started to think of this show. Having 1 woman choose her next partner/husband by choosing his shirt, not seeing him at all but smelling his shirt feeling it and getting a sense of his style. We would see the pre-shot videos of the man and then see the lady choosing the shirt of the man, then they would go on a date and develop their relationship.
-Say yes to the 'Fake Dress'-
I wanted to do a fashion concept as one of my ideas, i personally love watching 'Say yes to the dress' and i wanted to try and twist this idea in a way. I thought of having dress designers design a wedding dress or some form of formal wear and then get kids/people to create that dress out of toilet paper.
Or the idea could also a different way where we have the bride create her perfect wedding dress out of toilet paper, or different fabrics.
All of my ideas are trying to be entertaining and fun, i want to make sure that even the audiences would enjoy any of these shows.
Me and Callum will be discussing our ideas that we have and try to link them together, we want to make sure that we have equal par-take in the idea development and hopefully merge our ideas together to create one great idea.
- Naughty Neighbour
- IQ 1-10
- Family Jealousy
- 1 Woman 6 Shirts
- Say yes to the 'Fake' dress
- Naughty Neighbour -
This idea came to me while i was actually speaking to one of my neighbors and i saw how much they hate their next door neighbor. I could also sense a lot of anger that the neighbor had towards the other person, and that is when an idea struck me.

-IQ 1-10-
There are many shows and productions on TV that have trivia question and test people's IQ's but with this production i thought that it would be fun to get a few contestants and ask them a few fun easy/stupid questions that would be a tongue twister and also riddles for them such as 'A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?' There are a lot of people out there who do not know the answers to most riddles. There would also be buzzers and prizes.
-Family Jealousy-
My mum actually helped me with this idea since she loves to watch family entertainment and shows. My family is very much a jealous family, i love them very much but when it comes to being better than one another my family is one of those.

-1 Woman, 6 shirts-

-Say yes to the 'Fake Dress'-

Or the idea could also a different way where we have the bride create her perfect wedding dress out of toilet paper, or different fabrics.
All of my ideas are trying to be entertaining and fun, i want to make sure that even the audiences would enjoy any of these shows.
Me and Callum will be discussing our ideas that we have and try to link them together, we want to make sure that we have equal par-take in the idea development and hopefully merge our ideas together to create one great idea.
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