As Live Production - Researching for the 'Pitch'

We have about a week left before our pitch and I started to do some research on how to present our pitch since I and Callum had different ideas we decided to merge them together. I wanted to create more of a Family Show that is focused on family drama, this then evolved into Callum's idea of 'Room for two' where we not only had families on the show but different kinds of relationships. I then started to think of games that these people could play, such as the 'Paper Dress'.

This is our work in progress presentation we have started!

Breakdown of the show:

We aim to have 5 rounds of fun interactive games that test different parts of relationships, like communication skills, patience.
Incase the contestants draw we have a deadlock game set up.
Tester - toilet role game (interact!) - have a music bed 30 sec

'Paper Dress' is a game I thought of with Callum where the participants create a wedding dress out of toilet paper within 1-2 minutes.

25-word pitch: A game to test different kinds of relationship, played with different trivia games. Targeted towards an age range of 18-65 since the show could have anyone on.

We want to make sure that both of our ideas get included in the final pitch and I think every aspect is getting included. Callum had a great idea of evolving my family drama into testing all different relationships not just 'Family' but boyfriend/girlfriend etc.

Our age range is pretty large and wide, this is because we want to include all different people on the show and truthfully I didn't want to have an age range at all, but I wasn't sure if that was possible. We feel like this age range feels right and would appeal to our show.


We also feel like the show would be broadcasted on ITV as it is a mix between 'Mr&Mrs' 'Take me out' and 'The Chase' it feels right to be on ITV around 6/7pm prime time, this is because we want families and working adults to watch it together after work.  I really didn't want the show to feel like your typical 'Ex on the beach' ITV show, I wanted to make sure that it was different and would attract audiences all around.


We are thinking of having 2/3 VT's and then using 1/2 VT's for an opening teaser or one of the games being teased. This would really get the viewer engaged and interested! We are still not 100% of what the VT's will include as we have not decided on all of the games yet.

Should it be commissioned?

Even though it is sort of a gameshow it is VERY different to what is on TV currently, it's much more fun and doesn't use the same social media celebrities. We would be using ordinary people that viewers can relate to and connect with. We feel like there is a huge gap in the market for such a show since 'Mr & Mrs'. The audience can also engage with the production and that hasn't been done for some time now!

Style & Tone 

Relaxed tone - Doesn’t feel pressured or scripted.
Family orientated - Friendly and Fun, feels traditional but still holds a modern element which gives its edge.
It’s bright and colorful - Attracts our viewers, bright colour spells really makes the viewer remember the show.


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