As Live Production - Receiving Our Roles

We also got split into 2 groups because there is so many of us we all have to do 1 part of the show and the other person the other half. I was excited to see that I was chosen as a 'Floor Manager, VT researcher'. After our pitches we waited until around 4pm to see which idea got commission, this was 'Steal the syle' which means Katie and Melissa ended up being producers. After their idea got commissioned we had interviews held to see what role we each would get for the entire studio production. While in the interview i wanted to see what role i could get, i wanted to either go for 'Vision Mixer' or 'Casting Researcher' but both Jo and Helen thought i could manage as a VT Researcher and Floor Manager because of my outgoing personality.
We also got split into 2 groups because there is so many of us we all have to do 1 part of the show and the other person the other half. I was excited to see that i was chosen as a 'Floor Manager, VT researcher'. Originally i was a little scared of the responsibility i will have by being the floor manager, but i wanted to take it on the chin and give it a go.
I also started to do research for the 4 VT's that we will have in the production. I did two different types of research for 'Steal the style' and 'Fashion Fails'. Which comes in handy for our production meetings.
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