Dissertation Preperation - Genre and Style

Tim Burton - Edward Scissorhands scene.
  • Open up the film and we can instantly tell it's a Tim Burton movie
  • Gothic style, dark tones, and styles
  •  He emphasizes more with the monster than the hero
  • Tim Burton depends on a lot of people, works with the same people 
Thomas Shatz - Treats genre as an intellectual concept rather than just as an industry term alone. Genre - types of films which filmmakers and audiences recognize by their familiar iconographic, narrative conventions.

E.g Iron man trilogy

Iconography - Setting, staging, costume, props, stars. Visual codes to create narrative!
Style - cinematography, lighting, music, editing, style.
Narrative/Structure - A narrative system, film genre can be examined in terms of structure.

Genre aims to please audiences and maximize profits, using formulas that seem to work based on repetition and expectations to entertain in a different way.

Thor - what genre, hybrid? It is a comic book adaptation. The 80s style mythological film, orange/red tones. Action fantasy film, what would we pin it down as a 'Genre' We are propelled forwards. Cultural significant!  

North by northwest - Shot/reverse shot - effective territory. It's not about telling the story sometimes a film can have social issues. Montage, the word of editing - it has practical associations.

No linear meaning to shots - collision, explosion, conflict. Teaching the viewers to think, for Soviet filmmakers it's about the collision that happens in the Jux and new concept that explodes from it - not building bricks to create linear meaning - it is a revolutionary meaning:

- Creating a shock for the spectator - the spectator works to create meaning. Triggering social practice rather than aesthetic contemplation only, shocking that spectator in consciousness of contemporary problems.
- Bringing new ideas

What types of 'Conflict' exist in the shot according to Eisenstein?
- Conflict within the frame, of depths, graphically varied directions, darkness/lightness, close/long shots, e.g sailors cutting across each other.

Ethesising the rhythm within movies. Rhythm. Are these still used? Slow motion is used when Lola is in a state of emotional conflict. The film also uses slow motion to heighten tension, showing Lola's frustration.

Run Lola run - Fast motion and Slow motion is used to express Lola's emotions and how she is feeling. Building up tension - extended running.


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