As Live Production - Production Role - Critical Analysis

- 30% Production role critical analysis (2000 words)
- Crucially it should include research into studio production and the specific professional role you have undertaken, and how that research informed your actual role and the production.
- Think of this as a piece of writing which teaches the reader about your role and uses the experience of this production as anecdotal evidence to illustrate typical tasks, issues, and skills.
- Explaining to the reader what we are doing, teaching the reader from scratch - learning outcomes.
- Researching the role!
- Show the reader that you can critically evaluate your own work and that you understand professional approaches and context through a focus on academic referencing throughout.
- Research 'Floor Managers' NOW
- Thus you will demonstrate and evidence that all decisions and critical reflections are informed by research and development.
- Deliver in a report style, it is a document that allows us to see now just what you have done but rather how and why you have chosen to do something.
- This does not mean it is merely a description - it must contain relevant research to effectively support your work. I.E use relevant quotation.
- This should not be merely a narrative describing what you did but rather should evidence.
- Contextual information for each project and background.
- Load your prep/test shoots/scripts/paperwork etc - it is a sketchbook.

Draw up a general list of areas you will need to cover - try mind mapping. Work out a logical structure before you start to write, this way evolves but at least you have somewhere to start.


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