Charlie Brooker - Contextual research - Screenwriter

Charlie Brooker

Charlie Brooker is a drama TV writer best know for his amazing work for Black Mirror. Brooker mostly wrote all the episodes for Black Mirror in season 1 and 2 but also co wrote with his wife. Brooker felt like a lot of TV shows expressed drama and emotion but he felt as there wasn't enough to show how the world has changed over the past 10 years. While writing Black Mirror he had to always re-read everything just incase something it seemed too real to be true, he did base most of his stories and episodes off reality but did not want that to come through the show. He likes to express dark humour also into Dark Mirror due to him wanting to change television and the audience perspective. Here is a wonderful interview of Charlie Brooker that really encouraged me to watch Black Mirror. I usually like to do a lot of research before getting hooked into a TV Show but after i watched this interview i knew Charlie Brooker was a genius. 

Black Mirror is a science fiction anthology series that really plays with audiences emotions and understanding. Charlie always thought that it's boring when the villain always destroys the hero, he always admired villains getting addicted to a certain gadget and it gradually ruins his life, because we as an audience don't expect that, and it shocks us in a way where we want to keep watching. Charlie always had a goal to unravel the biggest mystery and problem within the ending of an episode to keep the audience hooked and interested. 
I am absolutely intrigued how Brooker really wanted to portray how the world has developed itself and it's technology over the last few years and in Black Mirror you can really see that reality, it shows us what humans are capable of. Throughout the series you can really see how most of the characters have really developed, Brooker really wanted the audience to always relate to a character either they were fictional or as close to reality as possible he had brilliant ideas of how to portray reality within Black Mirror. This scene is absolutely amazing, Brooker wrote this scene in a way where is humours the audience, it moves us in every-way; happiness, sadness, melancholy. The none-diegetic music really tones the mood and the over use of swear words makes you happy even though we are put in a isolated jail cell. Brooker has placed us in a jail cell with the characters, but we feel as they have more freedom then ever in that isolated jail cell rather than being out in the cold world, the irony that Brooker has created in this scene is beyond belief. It is brilliantly executed, we can see both of the characters just letting go of their past and letting themselves run free. The setting is also so futuristic that we feel that this will become reality one day, and that is what Brooker was always going for in Black Mirror, the reality of the world becoming like this in 10 years. Both of these characters were in a sad situation but them swearing and making fun out of each-other really expresses them letting go of their fears and hatred. 

Brooker really developed his career from TV presenting and writing to creating a brilliant tv series called 'Black Mirror' he really invested his time into making sure that Black Mirror was exactly what he wanted it to be. Brooker has really inspired me to create reality in my own work, such as expressing family problems and the way some peoples lives never end up happy. Brooker taught me to always express reality within my screenplays and my video creations. If it doesn't feel real how is the audience supposed to relate to it, how are they supposed to get hooked? Audiences always need and want a character or a story they can go back to and relate. Everyone has a character that they wish to be or are, sometimes people need that kind of support. 


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