Drink - Contextual Research - Short Film


I was browsing online for some create screenwriters and directors i came across a lady called Emily Moss Wilson who created a short film called 'Drink', i watched this short movie on YouTube as it is a huge platform for aspiring TV makers. After watching this short movie i did not want it to end, i was hooked and wanted it to carry on. The story starts with a mother driving her two young boys down a what appears a never ending road. They have a few close calls to being caught by the police but make it to a motel in the end. I believe the road was a representation of her life. When they reach he motel where the mother pleas for a room there you see a huge family dynamic, once again i wanted to a review a short film where there is a family dynamic and tension just like in my own movie. Both of the boys constantly argue where the mother always ignores them or she burst out of anger at them either way it is already a damaged family just like in 'Soft'. The main message in the short film is 'Do Not Drink' written on a mirror above a sink. After we figure out that the mysterious water has the power to grant there innermost desires, the mother takes a sip herself. She awakens and her children have disappeared and her husband has arrived. We as an audience are absolutely shocked that the mother has wished her sons away.

We as an audience always believe that children are a mothers most prise possession and seeing the mother getting rid of them shocks the audience in a way where they start to hate her. I was myself very surprised that someone would want to get rid of their children and make their husband come back to a dysfunctional family. After the husband takes a sip he wishes for his children to come back and get rid of the mother from their lives as we can see that she was the toxic figure in the family dynamic. This movie has really inspired me to also change the stereotypes of a classic family figure, the mother. I decided to kill of the mother in my screenplay and the film itself to challenge my characters and to see how they would live without a mother in their lives, i have also challenged them to be left alone and almost have no family dynamic. This film is really powerful because a lot of people can relate to the idea of being neglected by their father or mother. I've always wanted to write a projects where the family dynamic is questioned because i feel as audiences can really relate with the characters and the written itself. Usually when a screenwriter comes up with these film ideas they come from actually real life circumstances that is why most audiences really relate with these films. I also was very intrigued with the atmosphere and location that 'Drink' was filmed in, the way that the the motel is grainy and dirty really show's the circumstance that the family is in. 

The mother also has a lot of bruises and rough clothes on to show that she has been through a lot and that is usually how you express a characters life. By dressing them in a certain way and showing the audience what kind of venerable person she actually is. The movie is actually part horror and part family drama which is the darkest sense of genre. Drink gives you the spins of conventions and expectations on their hands to keep the entire audience intrigues and engaged. The horrors that await our unsuspecting audiences are set in a very unique variety. It is a stellar piece of work.

The Cast of 'Drink'


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