Major Project Pre-Production | Script Writing Improvement - V.3
I have now been improving the material that is in my script. I have received some great feedback from Helen that really helped me understand how to write a script in full detail. Feedback; 1. Intro goes too far too quick – need to engage the viewer and let them get to know you and then your family. 2. You are not really setting up each person properly – they need introducing (either by themselves on camera, or in VO) 3. You need to corner turn more effectively between points/segments – you can’t just move onto the next thing without somehow writing out of the last thing first! 4. Your story focus is getting lost in the minutiae of your family story – don’t forget the real focus you told me about Buddhism in Poland etc – at present it is all too quick and neat and lacks context. 5. FAR TOO MUCH VO!!! You need to talk on camera as well as use VO or it feels very odd – after all you are IN the film so why don’t we ever hear from you directly? Makes it fe...