Major Project Pre-Production | Director Statment Development

I have been developing my Directors statement slowly, I am aiming to write a detailed piece of work - Not focusing so much on the word count but on the detail and material included inside the statement. I still have to re-write the directors statement to pick out spelling/grammar mistakes, I seem to be waffling a lot since I am trying to get as much detail and material inside the report. With the struggles that I have writing any form of a report/statement/essay I seem to repeat myself or not spot mistakes, this is a skill I lack. I try to read through the working making sure I am not missing something but I still have the paranoia. I have slowly been developing this taking my time to talk about each and every shot and my cinematic inspiration. I also want to include an expiation as to why I'm taking certain visual approaches towards the documentary.

Some feedback I received for my Directors Statement;

Information to be added;
• Your cinematic inspiration and influences (this helps the reader see the vision of the film)
• Visual and technical approaches you intend to take that will make the film unique and successful
• Your hopes for the audience's response (what will the audience get out of it)

- You don't have to include all of these things, but they all should be alluded to in some way. Remember, you're a storyteller, so this is just another form of storytelling. Make it entertaining. Bring the reader along with you.

This is great feedback for my documentary, I am a storyteller who is trying to tell a personal story through the screen. I need to make sure that the shots are crisp, entertaining and that the script fits well with the synopsis. The directors statement is just a better development of the script, It is another report/statement explaining the choices I will be making while feeling this project - how do I want it to look visually pleasing?


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