Major Project Pre-Production | Directors Statment - Draft
A key feature within my pre-production package, I didn't realise how important a Directors statement is especially since I am working by myself on this project. I started writing and perfecting the first few paragraphs of my Directors Statement, it really becomes a great piece of writing when you start to really develop ideas throughout while writing, new cinematic shots and things pop into my head that I'd like to implement within my project. I really want to make this as detailed as possible, it is such an important piece to my pre-production package - I need to express my Director visions. The overall idea I had for the story is basically the unknown relationship that I never had with my father, it started to become something very detailed that I'd like to share, maybe other people are in the same situation. I also like the fact that I can explore the place I used to visit each summer, it has a huge impact on my life.
Draft of my Directors Statement -
Draft of my Directors Statement -
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